Saturday, August 15, 2009

New office

This is my new office, trying to get it cleaned up. It is an old classroom. They used it for storage for a while so I had to move all the junk out and make it look better. I still need to add some pictures and plants but I think it will be nice when I get it done. Iwould like to get a small cafe table so I can have like a lunch area. lol

Monday, August 10, 2009

I got a new job. I will be working at the Jarrell ISD technogly department. This is a picture of the technology building. It is really cool, It was the original school and is about 100 years old. When I start working I will take better pictures.
My office is an old class room. It is hugh and I get to organize it however I want. I will be adding some posters and plants. going to go to Hobby Lobby and find some black and white pictures of random places.
I am having mixed feelings about going back to work but we really need the money at this point. Pat says it is the perfect job for me, like it was made for me. I will see. My bosses name is Rusty, She is my next door neighbor. I hope we get along. lol