The Flutterby
When I was growing up I lived in a rural town in southern Ohio. Surrounded by tree-covered mountains. Byer was the name of the little town. Byer had a population of about 200 people. There was a little white church, a covered bridge and one little gas station. To do any real grocery shopping you had to drive 20 miles down a long winding road thru the mountains with a couple of hair pin curves. Needless to say we didn't go to town very often.
This one summer in particular I remember grandma and I had went to town and we stopped at the 5&10(five and dime) sundry store. Grandma needed some thread for her quilting. I looked around at all the many different things there. I found a beautiful butterfly necklace. It was about 2 inches big, white with flower pattern painted on it. I fell in love with it. I wanted it so bad but is was $5.00 and that was a lot of money to our family to spend on a luxury item but I asked grandma anyways. Grandma told me that I had to save up for it. So I made plans on how to earn the money.
When we returned home my grandpa and Uncle Jim were sitting on the front porch. I went over and sat between them on the glider. They had just gotten home from work. They worked on the B&O railroad. Their jobs were to make sure all the railroad tracks in the area were safe. I told them about the Necklace. Grandpa said" You know girl, I have never seen "butter" fly, they just flutterby." So from then on I called them flutterbies. I asked uncle Jim if there was any thing I could so to make some money so I could save up for it. Jim said that I could go around town and see if anyone needed any help with chores.
The next morning I woke early and started out for my job hunting. I thought who would hire me seeing how I was only 8 years old but off I went. First was Mrs. Browns' house. She has a mess of chickens and I figured she could use some help gathering eggs. She said if I would come very morning and help her gather and wash eggs she would pay me fifty cents every day I worked. This is going to take awhile I thought to save the money but I took the job. When I finished there I headed over to Red Lintons' house. He had horses and needed help feeding them. He paid me twenty-five cents. Well I am on my way, seventy-five cents the first day. I may have it by weeks end.
The next morning grandma needed me to help her quilt. She had to get it done because she was making for Edna Mannering and She wanted to give the quilt to her daughter for a wedding present and she was getting married Saturday, so for the next three days we quilted. It was beautiful when we were done and everyone loved it.
On Friday I headed back over to Mrs. Browns and gathered eggs and washed them. Then over to Red's to feed the horses. Another seventy-five cents. This went on for almost a month. I finally got enough for the Flutterby necklace.
I could hardly wait to go to town. It was the day before my birthday and grandma wanted to go to town and get cake fixins. So to town we went. The five and dime was the last stop. I ran inside with the cash I had earned. I went over to the jewelry counter but the flutterby necklace was gone. I couldn't believe after all that hard work I did and it was gone. I cried all the way back home.
The next day the family gathered for my birthday. I was not in a festive mood but put on a happy face. Grandma was cooking a huge feast of all my favorite foods. The family was all gathered and we were waiting for Uncle Jim and Grandpa to get home from work. They were late getting home but they finally made it and we ate.
After supper the family gathered around waiting for me to open presents. Aunt Shirley and Grandma made me a new quilt for my bed out of all my old baby clothes. It was the most beautiful thing I have seen Aunt Lucille and Uncle Ralph gave me a sweater to wear to school and mom and dad gave me a hairbrush set. I loved my gifts and I had never gotten so much in one birthday. After we had cake the cousins and I were playing tag outside, I had my new sweater on. Grandpa and Uncle Jim came out to sit on the glider and called me over. I ran over and sat in between them. As we sat there and watched the sun disappear behind the mountain a flutterby fluttered by and I looked sad. Grandpa asked" Girl, did you get your flutterby necklace from town today?" I told him no that it was already gone. He smiled and reached in his front pocket of his bib overalls and handed it to me and said "open it, girl." I took the little box and opened it and let out a squeal, it was the flutterby necklace. "Oh Grandpa I love it. I will cherish it always. I Love you." Grandpa replied " I love you too girl."
Well that was over 25 years ago and I still wear it to this day. When I get sad I just reach up and rub it and remember that day and it makes me feel happy.