Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This month

So far the new year has been great, I have gotten to spend time with my children all of them and I enjoy their company very much. I just wish we could all live closer so we could do lunches or go shopping or movie night. maybe when they get older and settle down they will want to be closer.

School is getting very hard. The classes I am taking are about computer hacking and well my brain just does not think that way. I guess you need to know how the hackers can get into your network so you can prevent them from doing it. I just hope I can make it through and get my degree.

Pat and I are doing great.we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary last November and are planning a trip for the one this November. The time we are together seems to get better and better, I have never been so happy before.
We are still playing lord of the rings online. We just enjoy doing things together with friends and family online.

Well heres to a great year. Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Watching them cook our food on the grill at nami

Moved my office around..

Thursday, January 6, 2011

In ith the new

Out wih th old